7 January 2006

philatelic society

What is it about first impressions? Some of us are first attracted to how gorgeous the person is. I used to be like that. Nowadays, I wait. The first impression is made when I meet the person, we have a brief conversation and then we part ways. Based on that first encounter, I'm 'impressed.' On first impressions, people I meet say I'm funny, intriguing, enigmatic, commanding. Depending on perception, they then say I'm physically attractive. I wonder sometimes what goes on in the minds of men.

There is no right or wrong way of making an impression. You do what feels right. I enter a room and you know I'm there. I never make it a point to be seen. It just happens. We shouldn't force something to happen all because we want it to. Someone once said that I had an aura. Well, everyone has an aura. I think it boils down to personality and confidence. Knowing who you are.

Then in walks the most good-looking person you've ever seen. You jaw drops and you start behaving like a lovestruck little schoolgirl. You forget your senses. And the game of mental cat-and-mouse begins.

It doesn't hurt to allow first impressions to guide your perceptions. You may find out later you were wrong about a person. I sure as hell know I've trusted the wrong person but it's all part of what you need to go through. The lessons take you to another part of your journey. I'm still on it and not planning to find the final destination. I'll get there when I get there. Maybe you do know where you're going to. But you'll never really know how you'll get there. Either way, enjoy the experiences that your life has granted you. And if you like roller-coasters, you're in for one helluva ride!


CCS-lover said...


wot r u tryin to say in ur blog?

Edwin Sumun said...

It's time you read the dictionary. Philately is the study/collection of stamps.

And, no insult to you, the blog is a place fo me to express the thoughts in my head. I do apologize if this recent one has left you in the dark.

Have you heard the saying, 'Don't judge a book by its cover'? I was also writing about something else. I completely understand where you are coming from. Even I get lost in my own thoughts.

shirlene said...

Sometimes first impression on others puts a halt to a friendly communication to some. Some say it's a turn off. Which I think is very unfair for not letting yourself to get to know the other person a little better, enough to change negative perceptions at least. Being so judgemental that some completely ignored positive impressions.


Anonymous said...

Now now dont get mufee-d by Mufee....it was a simple query. But diplomatically handled by the man-with-an-aura.Gotta admit my lofar eyes almost misread it and this old heart missed a beat thinking the word had some sort of "phallic" connotations! Alas it was not to be...

Philatelically(and I consulted the dictionary for the correct spelling!)speaking, you have my stamp of approval in yr candid approach to this subject,Edwin, and I hope i am not sounding like the proverbial 'lofar'-glasses-on-the-nose postmistress when i say so. Imoressions are exactly what they are...impressions....imprints on the mind...and like all minds, more likely to be fickle and changeable. And therein lies the beauty of it all....we can CHANGE those impressions, those perceptions and hence those feelings towards that person. Just as my impression of a person has changed when he put a christmas tree in a corner of his room.....Like us he was only looking for either candles or matches...

And from thereon, i have found an exquisite stamp to add to my collection.


CCS-lover said...

hehe i did look up wot philatelical meant.. just didnt get the society bit attached to it..

i need a Jeeves..

sorry tho..

Edwin Sumun said...

No worries Mufee. When I a young teen, I was president of the Philatelic Society (a more glorified way of saying Stamp Club) and I felt it was apt as the title for the post. So here I am now making comment on how we have sold into the idea of posterity rules.

CCM, again you help shed light. I wasn't passing judgment. Just replying in my own 'diva' way. And I have yet to tell you, you write beautifully.

Oh, I guess Mufee is right about the need for a Jeeves. I wish i had one to help answer my questions. Until then, who knows...

Anonymous said...

Thank you Edwin....i am but an 'armchair observer'-kind-of-writer, dishing out my observations and opinions without so much as asking if they are welcome or not ! My only saving grace is that i try not to be obnoxious, minding my manners as I am but an e-visitor, and keeping my fingers crossed that I am not stepping on too many toes or tails! I guess because i am a woman, my maternal instinct ( or is is just my big mouth?) dictates that I HAVE to say something, especially when young ones question about life and its experiences. Not that I have had that many more bucketful of salt than some of you have had rice (!!), but there is no harm sharing positive thoughts and vibes with fellow travellers on life's long journey. As u so aptly put it, we shall get to the final destination when we get there...meanwhile we live, we love, we care....we learn.


shirlene said...

hey there! How's everything?
Hope you'll return to your blogging-world soon...

take care

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