24 February 2006


Bloggers are such boisterous people. A very colourful bunch that just can't help posing for pictures with their favourite comedians (hint: send the pics over girls!) Just seeing your satisfaction after the show is enough to make me smile for the coming day. And don't forget to pimp my blog! If there's Kodok, I wonder what I'll be nicknamed?

Not going to be a long one. Just got home. About to hop in the shower, have a hot beverage and watch the next repeat of today's American Idol.

Oh yes, I would like to announce that I am the first person in KL to own the 20" Intel iMac. It's here! Here comes my shameless plug: Go get all your Mac/Apple products from MacStudio (Low Yat Plaza, KL) and tell them Edwin sent you. They really are a great bunch of people. Nothing against the other Apple retailers but they're bound to Apple Malaysia's policies. MacStudio goes out of its way to make you happy. The owner himself called me today to tell me my new toy had arrived.

I may go missing the next few days as I will be getting acquainted with my as-yet to be named desktop or maybe I'll be blogging about my daily activities with it.

All I can say is this: It has been a wonderful day thanks to the bloggers, Colin Chong, the Actorlympians, Gustina Putri Orow, Mike Tan, all at Imaginex, the TASB Box Office boys, Nick D and you.

No crap world news can get me down (well, for this next week at least.)


Anonymous said...

I was one of the shameless, boisterous people. I must say it another thousand times, I lap you rong time mistah... er.. missus... or something. You rock my socks!!!!!

Naz said...

Hey u again,

whats the email?? i'll send u the pix we took on the opening nite. *smiles*


Soli Loquy said...

yes yes pics on their way, as soon as i'm done with the photoshopping.

suanie said...


Feather's Mother said...

You and your sarong (cue 'polis PAS canot speak engrish') make me wanna watch every showing of Actorlympics, man! But unfortunately, I have a (night)life :D so I'll make it second round for the last showing. Keep up the marvellous work and urmmm.. the sarong. He hee..

shirlene said...

Really nice going...YOU ROCK!!
I laughed so hard that my cheek muscles are aching. Unbelievable.
I really hope to see more of you! Hats off to you...

Edwin Sumun said...

Y'all are such sweeties! That's for all the good vibes. We have been having a great time performing for you.

love always.

dJ phuturecybersonique said...

edwin dude! great threesome tonight with you, ida and me in the karaoke music video game! would love to direct more! heehee!
