12 July 2006

sorry seems to be the hardest word (for you to tell me)

Roger Federer is KING!!! Italy... too bad France. At least there's Zidane. The news has been depressing for the individual. A RM 200,000 fine for not carrying your Identity Card. Now that's been knocked down but still. Who the hell came up with that figure? Criminals get away with less. Priorities people please!

If some of you are wondering why I'm irregular with my Diva postings, it's because I'm postiing over at Kuala Lumpur DP on a daily basis. Completely absorbed. Head on over if you miss me.

Till then. Go buy The Body Shop make-up. Well, not until the new range comes out in August. Wonderful stuff!

And Rafael Nadal needs to come over for dinner sometime.


Rafleesia said...

Rafael Nadal, Christiano Rinaldo...they can all cover for dinner now that they're free...yummm...young 'uns to feed on...

Reta said...

elo! wanted to come say hi but you were busy another time la!


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