14 June 2006

diva im-mobile

The weather is dreary and I have meetings and errands before I drive down to JB/Singapore tomorrow for an event this weekend. On my way back to meet a friend who had to pass me something to take with me, I met with an unfortunate accident. An accident that I have been expecting for the last 2 years. You must think I'm a tad bit looney for saying so but it get's loonier. A Feng Shui man I consulted a few years ago predicted my career would take on new levels but I had to be careful cos I would get into an accident. He said, "In between 2-3 years lah."

SCREEECCHH!! BAMMMM!! White smoke billowing from my bonnet!!! And half an hour later, I'm booked to fly instead (courtesy of my gracious clients) and Randy is in the workshop. Here he is!

So now, I'm going to 'mandi bunga' and 'buang sway' (in foreign tongue: Wash myself clean of negative energy)

And you know, the funny thing is, I was dreading the drive down. And now I'm flying. Oh, how the Universe works!


wmw said...

Thanks for letting me know that THE Diva is back! Mandi Bunga already? Mmm....just found out from a friend that lilies mean "Dare you to love me". Maybe some of us should mandi bunga with lilies to buang suay and send love messages out! LOL...

Jazzmamma said...

poor randy... nemind... he'll be as good as new when the mechanic is thru with him. no one'll know... except your pocket!

have a safe flight! see u on saturday........

Rafleesia said...

Welcome back! Glad to see you blogging full swing again! Even if it is about crashed cars. Ouch!

Andrea said...

Glad to see your back...how spookie the guy predicted your accident!!!be careful, be greatful nothing happened to you...

Kala said...

ahhhh that is unfortunate - hope u rid of that bad energy! I can't find your daily photo blog! :(

Elmira said...

sorry about the car... and how are you?

Edwin Sumun said...

thanks again everyone! Randy's back and looking better than ever!

And I'm great. had a great time in JB and S'pore.