1 April 2006

Many happy returns...

April Fools Day. The day that marks SUMUNDA's birthday. We are 2 years old!

Winning awards, collaborating with foreign theatre pratitioners, difficult clients, generous sponsors... But all this doesn't compare to the reception of the audience. Thank you so very much for making my work all the more meaningful.

and Happy Birthday to Apple for making the most desirable products and my designing life easier


Darius said...

elo edwin
drop by my blog la sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sumunda. :) Here's to many, many more years of discovery and fulfilment in your work.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear su-mun-daaaaaa
happy birthday to you

nell :)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear su-mun-daaaaaa
happy birthday to you

nell :)

mamasan said...

happy buffday dahlink


Anonymous said...

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